sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2012

British Armor Company WIP II

I was working on those tanks since december, but the terrain project for the tounament in january took all my hobby time.

They are from Plastic Soldier Company and Forged in Battle (the plastic ones and the resin/metal respectively). The plastic tanks are amazing, but require some attention to assemble, because the instructions arent clear.

The Forged in Battle tanks are very detailed, and the hulls have the details different from one tank to another, but metal is metal and they are a paint to assemble. the M10 guns i will pin, but the stuart ones i will simply glue.

I pretend to assembly another 5 turrets with small guns for the shermans, i think that the big ones are for the Firefly.

My brother is assembling a german panzerkompanie too, and i expect to have a flames of war game in March.

quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

Now with uniforms!

First of, I will start to post in english. My Brazilian public is so small and i believe that everybody knows english at some level.

Second point, this month I will be travelling on vacation. The posts are going to be little or nothing.

And now to the topic!

I just picked up the new t-shirts that we made for the club! They are simple, just the club logo, our state flag and the name or nick on the back.

Theres some pictures:

segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2012

Terrenos para o Torneio de Verão CGW 2012 pt.1

Começei a pintar os terrenos para o torneio, a idéia é fazer uma mesa com a temática eldar.

As peças que o pessoal de Canoas fez estão fantásticas, espero que eu faça jus ao trabalho deles e acerte a mão na pintura.

Utilizei umas tintas nacionais, da marca daiara principalmente, e pincéis bem baratos pra fazer a tecnica de drybrush.

Eu basicamente pintei a cor principal de terra siena queimada, fiz algumas linhas com sépia e tabaco, e dei um drybrush de avelã.

Segue as fotos: